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by Muktak at 29-12-2023, 03:07 PM
Hello everyone... Does anyone have the version of HFX where all the heroes are unlocked at the start of the game?
by Kaphwank at 03-12-2023, 01:56 AM
Hello,everybody!Today I'll share a tutorial about how to use HFW to modify HFX.
First,you should prepare a third-party application.The application is requested to able to disassemble apk.
Then,use the application to extract the .swf file in apk.I'll get a file like this:
[url=https://ibb.co/nP3yZZy][Image: Screenshot-2023-1203-085340.png]

Then put in your PC and use HFW to modify it.The method is as same as HF,but if you are not very similar to SPT,don't try to modify it because the modified .swf probably crash.
by Natique at 15-10-2023, 04:13 AM
Hey guys i wanna know what happened after episode 7 in the game is there any story here about that, any fan theory or anything?
by Papo at 10-08-2023, 04:45 PM
Hey, so where can I go to purchase a premium account, I know that there is the in-game option, but it says paypal is a no go. Is there any other way of purchasing it? For context, I just wanted to play vanilla HF, to live out my childhood again, I don't really mind if I gotta pay a bit of cash for it.
by xristos at 08-08-2023, 10:58 AM
Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've posted anything here. This is a project I may work on in the future.
Now you may ask, what is this project about? This project is a translation of the original Chinese story of the game to English. 
NOTES: You should be able to play the game with people that use HFv0.7 and HFv0.7+ .
Currently there is only Stage 1 translated. More may come in the future.
LINK TO DOWNLOAD: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ij2za178b...d.exe/file
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