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by 不饿白帝BEBD at 02-02-2024, 05:17 PM
When entering the game, select the "Volleyball Field" map to play volleyball matches! In order to reduce the difficulty of the game, the game rules and volleyball competition rules are slightly different

Video demon: video


[Image: CQ2-V1-LYO2-JH-VSHE72-VP.png]
by Julian at 27-01-2024, 01:32 PM
I extracted the SWF file in HFX, and there was an error after opening it with HFW.

[Image: 360-20240127203202127.jpg]
by MangaD at 25-01-2024, 09:25 AM
In HFX Action Script 3 there is a large array, in the file Data.Global, called stage_setting, which contains the settings for the stages. You can see it here.

Here are my findings regarding that array:

The array contains 9 Acts, which are themselves represented as arrays. The last 2 Acts are not being used in the original game.

Each Act array contains 8 rounds, also represented as arrays, which are: Tutorial, Duel, Mission, Story, Battle, Tournament, Team Fight, and Training. If a round is an empty array it will not show up in the game. For instance, only Act 1 has a tutorial round, and Act 1 does not have Tournament nor Team Fight rounds.  Each round contains a number of stages.

Example and explanation of a stage:

[1, 1, -1, -1, r_enemy_soldier_500_hp + r_add_3star_hero_when_clear, ["z_axeman"], [], ["forest_mud"]]

[1, // playing hero num (Lucas)
1, // unknown
-1, // type of next stage
-1, // unknown
r_enemy_soldier_500_hp + r_add_3star_hero_when_clear, // buffs
["z_axeman"], // enemies
[], // setting of mission or battle
["forest_mud"]] // background

Stage types:
s_tutorial = 0;      
s_duel = 1;
s_mission = 2;      
s_story = 3;      
s_battle = 4;      
s_tournament = 5;      
s_vs = 6;
s_training = 7;

-1 means it won't unlock a new stage.
by 不饿白帝BEBD at 22-01-2024, 05:54 AM
download link:

skin version 1 (Click to View)
skin version 2 (Click to View)
skin version 3 (Click to View)
HFE V1_BDskin_2023_8_5 (Click to View)
HFE V1_BDskin_2024_1_14 (Click to View)
(The number of uploads per hour on the image host is limited, and the rest will be added later)
by Julian at 21-01-2024, 03:54 AM
I want to change the MP recovery when the boomerang returns, but I can't find this data.
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