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by T.O.R.N.A.D.O at 18-04-2022, 08:49 AM
So recently I was in a dilemma where I had to install the game for the umpteenth time because the android version I was using broke the previous apk. And as you know it, after doing that you have to say goodbye to all your progress. So I started to wonder if there is actually any way to unlock all the characters without having to do any hardwork. I asked MangaD about it and he redirected me to this chinese guide which actually does work however they haven't documented everything. So I thought I would help out by doing it myself. Keep in mind however, that this will only work with Rooted devices. If you don't have a rooted device then you are sadly out of luck. And no I won't help with how to root your device since the procedure is different for different brands, you would have to rely on trusty old google for that.

Assuming you have Root access, we can proceed further:

  1. Download the Flash SOL Editor from the link provided above. (Click on chinese guide)
  2. Extract the contents to a new folder.
  3. Navigate to flashSOLEditor folder in the contents you just extracted.
  4. Open FlashSolEditor.exe.
  5. Ignore the software a minute and navigate to data/data/air.com.martialstudio.herofighterx1/com.martialstudio.herofighterx1/LocalStore/#SharedObjects/HeroFigherX.swf from your root directory.
  6. Copy the "heroFighterX.sol" file to your PC.
  7. Now bear with me as the software is in Chinese, I will be using the same images provided by the Chinese guide as they did translate the buttons.
  8. You will first be greeted with below UI[Image: lKMlomP.png]
  9. Click on "Open Sol File" button and then you will be greeted with this UI.[Image: HHD1R3h.png]
  10. Click on "Open Sol File" again and then select the file you got from the phone.
  11. Navigate to where you see the entries pow_c[x] as shown below[Image: kgDGl3J.png]
  12. These are all character entries, each number resemble one character and the value on right is a combination of level and experience. The last 3 digits are experience and first 1 or 2 digits are the levels. So if you don't see an entry for the character, it is not unlocked.
  13. Click on "Add Variable" and then you will see the following UI[Image: d9sXWiI.png]
  14. Don't change any settings here, just follow the below example which will unlock Leo at level 40 with 567 experience.[Image: PTKvuX1.png]
  15. If you want to modify an existing character's level then just choose the entry corresponding to that character and click on "Modify Variable" and then just update the values to whatever you want.
  16. After you are done playing around, click on "Save Sol File".
  17. You will get a confirmation message and then you can put that file back to the directory you got it from and open the game normally.
  18. Voila the character entry you added is now unlocked.

These are the characters and their corresponding numbers that you need to use to create entries:
  • 0 - Lucas
  • 1 - Drew
  • 2 - Shawn
  • 3 - Jenny
  • 4 - Taylor
  • 5 - Leo
  • 6 - Legge
  • 7 - Eason
  • 8 - Yaga
  • 9 - Jason
  • 10 - Gordon
  • 11 - Giggs
  • 12 - Titto
  • 13 - Sinan
  • 14 - Iczzy
  • 15 - Heater
  • 16 - Raye
  • 17 - Vivian
  • 18 - Livermore
  • 19 - Swordsman Eason
  • 20 - Saws
  • 21 - Azrael

If you wanna play around, you can also unlock various other things like the Power Up Cards you have, Change your referral code or even unlock the maps however these are not documented and I am not interested in doing so either. You are on your own if you wanna do those things.

I have uploaded the sol file I used to make this guide and the resultant image in-game for your references. You are free to use this sol file for your own use if you may want. This is still in early Act 1 but with all characters unlocked.

And this is the character selection screen:
[Image: Screenshot_20220418-004021_Hero_Fighter_X.jpg]
by xristos at 27-12-2021, 09:37 AM
[Image: unknown.png]

Hey, everyone i won The Big 3 Challenge!
by Tingmas at 24-12-2021, 06:39 PM
I've finally beaten The Big 3 on crazy mode in small hut!
[Image: Screenshot-512.png]
by Tingmas at 24-09-2021, 06:39 PM
[Image: Whats-App-Image-2021-08-18-at-15-38-39.jpg]
by SmileJakoby at 14-09-2021, 05:35 AM
I remember playing HF with my brother when I was only 9 years old. I couldn't remember the name, but after about 1 hour (yes, 1 hour) of parsing through entire flash game website libraries I found the 0.1 release on kongregate and was able to work from there. Ultimately I found this websiste and wanted to say thank you guys for preserving this game. It means a lot to me to be able to play this again. Someday in a few years from now I hope to support the developer, especially after reading about how he fled from Hong-Kong. I hope the best for you guys, thank you :)
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