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by SmileJakoby at 14-09-2021, 05:35 AM
I remember playing HF with my brother when I was only 9 years old. I couldn't remember the name, but after about 1 hour (yes, 1 hour) of parsing through entire flash game website libraries I found the 0.1 release on kongregate and was able to work from there. Ultimately I found this websiste and wanted to say thank you guys for preserving this game. It means a lot to me to be able to play this again. Someday in a few years from now I hope to support the developer, especially after reading about how he fled from Hong-Kong. I hope the best for you guys, thank you :)
by MangaD at 24-08-2021, 11:07 PM
Finally, I have removed all the 3rd-party advertisements from Hero Fighter Empire. Whilst they did generate some revenue that could help cover the hosting expenses, I have some issues with them:

  1. They clutter the website.
  2. Generally no one cares about them and they are off-topic.
  3. They cause loading problems for Chinese users due to Google being blocked in China.
  4. They generate little revenue. Let's just say that they cover about 36% of the server expenses.

It would be nice for HFE to be self-sufficient, but using 3rd-party advertisements for this purpose is something that I personally find abhorrent.

So, what will I do about it? I am considering moving HFE to my RPI4. Doing this, however, requires some extra setup (SSD disk, backup disks, cloudflare, ...) and doesn't allow me to have an e-mail server dedicated to the website (due to dynamic IP). For the time being everything will remain the same, though.  Big grin
by Coal_gu at 22-08-2021, 04:26 AM
不要忘了给个评论哦~  我很期待它们!

[Image: lx0hYF.md.jpg][Image: 1ibCxf.md.jpg][Image: 1Mv16x.jpg][Image: 1k4gDH.jpg][Image: HByORD7boi1qh64.jpg][Image: 1Mvk60.jpg][Image: 1Tvn8U.md.jpg][Image: GDdUw4.md.jpg][Image: MKnocU9WmruXRi3.jpg][Image: P6knrxOtdqSv1D3.jpg][Image: e6kUAaXENSVOj1r.jpg][Image: fz7NFA.md.jpg][Image: yVEc0P.jpg][Image: fzTaKU.md.png][Image: fzH810.md.jpg]
by MangaD at 25-06-2021, 02:35 PM
Hello heroes!

The Chinese are now hosting a cloud server where they regularly upload their recent mods and new versions of those mods.

Old link: https://cloud.hf-empire.top/s/aPktW
New link: https://cloud.hf-empire.top/s/XdVHv

[Image: cloud-server.png]

Unfortunately I do not have time to make a thread for each mod here on HFE, so if anyone is willing to do that then it is greatly appreciated!
by nikhil at 18-06-2021, 01:06 PM
Greetings people. Attached to this post is the schema for validating HF story XML files. It will later be added to HF Workshop in order to validate your story files automatically when you replace them in the game.

Attached Files
.xsd   story_schema.xsd (Size: 29.73 KB / Downloads: 396)
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