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Thread: Suggestion - Chat
Post: Suggestion - Chat
So in the past months ever since the release of HeroFighter-Workshop (https://hf-empire.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=242) the activity in this forum has grown quite a bit and I think a good way to mak...
1 Replies 3,284 Views
Thread: Ban the member above u!
Post: RE: Ban the member above u!
MangaD Wrote: (03-04-2019, 10:08 PM) -- I ban you because you misspelled 'weird'. -- I ban you for not disagreeing with his statement that Noone's eyes look weird. For they look awesomely amazing.
89 Replies 123,710 Views
Thread: Story Editing - Ideas and Limitations
Post: RE: Story Editing - Ideas and Limitations
[spoiler="Answered reply"] UYU PACO Wrote: (10-01-2019, 08:46 AM) -- I like decision making. I'd prefer according to the player's decision to produce different outcomes. Not only to choose yes/no or...
5 Replies 8,119 Views
Thread: What song are you listening to?
Post: RE: What song are you listening to?
40 Replies 53,805 Views
Thread: Story Editing - Ideas and Limitations
Post: RE: Story Editing - Ideas and Limitations
MangaD Wrote: (08-01-2019, 02:42 PM) -- Today @BlazingGale was introducing me to a game in which he said was possible to hire troops. This made me realize that story editing and stories in HF in gene...
5 Replies 8,119 Views
Thread: Funny / Good Videos
Post: RE: Funny / Good Videos
A very VERY good AMV of one of my favorite songs on one of my favorite animes. The anime is Ippo No Hajime and the song is "Bring Me The Horizon - Throne" https://youtu.be/wNhpDg-JhUI
8 Replies 11,181 Views
Thread: What song are you listening to?
Post: RE: What song are you listening to?
MangaD Wrote: (30-12-2018, 09:14 PM) -- Post what song you are listening to right now. (You can post as many times as you want in this thread, because you know, post count is free.) https://www...
40 Replies 53,805 Views
Thread: The Big User Prune
Post: RE: The Big User Prune
1 Replies 4,158 Views
Thread: Make your own HFE theme
Post: RE: Make your own HFE theme
MangaD Wrote: (24-12-2018, 03:46 PM) -- I created a Dark Red theme and it is awesome in my humble opinion. Might make it official (for switching) later on. https://userstyles.org/styles/167199/hf-...
5 Replies 7,927 Views
Thread: Make your own HFE theme
Post: RE: Make your own HFE theme
Hello there! I have made two new styles for HFE that will make it look like a cold desolate land (kind of like HF's community during 2015. Ha, shots fired). As I've said there are two themes availa...
5 Replies 7,927 Views
Thread: Ban the member above u!
Post: RE: Ban the member above u!
I ban you for being a little sissy
89 Replies 123,710 Views
Thread: Real-life pics of you
Post: RE: Real-life pics of you
Tis be me, chewbaka http://i68.tinypic.com/ejtsuv.jpg
7 Replies 9,838 Views
Thread: juliaan21
Post: RE: juliaan21
As someone who's done HF edits for years, and can be considered one of the best (currently the best because I'm alone :( ) I approve. I see a lot of mistakes in this edit (which I will point out la...
2 Replies 4,801 Views
Thread: Ban the member above u!
Post: RE: Ban the member above u!
Your picture ain't half good either! BANNED!
89 Replies 123,710 Views
Thread: Suggestion for private message box improvment
Post: Suggestion for private message box improvment
In the private messages window whenever you try to open the private message to further read it, you can only open it if you click on the header text, and will not work if you press on the box. I su...
0 Replies 2,701 Views
Thread: Blazing Gale's Edits
Post: RE: Blazing Gale's Edits
So after a long time of not posting I have made a few new HF things. I made a new drama pose for the edited character "Drake", I made a drama scene picture with it and a cool character selection type ...
43 Replies 69,723 Views
Thread: Birthday thread
Post: RE: Birthday thread
MangaD Wrote: (25-11-2018, 05:02 PM) -- Happy Belated Birthday to our friendly neighborhood @BlazingGale! -- Thank you, I appreciate that.
48 Replies 66,851 Views
Thread: Hero Fighter - Story Editing Tool
Post: Hero Fighter - Story Editing Tool
Introduction Hero Fighter story editor is a program that is used to make custom stages that can be downloaded and played by everyone. The game's stages are written in XML format, which is just a fo...
4 Replies 8,181 Views
Thread: What song are you listening to?
Post: RE: What song are you listening to?
Morgenstern ach, scheine.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pjbzaq_BZAQ
40 Replies 53,805 Views
Thread: Suggestion For Overview
Post: Suggestion For Overview
I have a suggestion to improve the "new posts" overview section at the top of the main page. I suggest to make it so there can't be 2 notifications from the same thread. So if there is rapid post p...
0 Replies 3,140 Views