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Thread: HFX Boss Challenge Edition (Mobile Only)
Post: HFX Boss Challenge Edition (Mobile Only)
HFX Boss Challenge Edition Download the APK (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kJJVIGB6Q7DCIT-TaiS9k1MXEY3-AT8q/view?usp=sharing) Mod Version: 1.1 Video showcasing the Mod Here! (https://you...
0 Replies 1,513 Views
Thread: HFX Crazy AI Mod(Mobile Only)
Post: HFX Crazy AI Mod(Mobile Only)
ever thought that HFX is simply too easy for you? if the answer is yes then introducing the HFX Crazy AI Download the APK (https://drive.google.com/file/d/16uO3GAKOc3WCbk_mJcdaJCdxofMw5GJH/view...
0 Replies 2,824 Views
Thread: 7dnV0.007b' Mod
Post: 7dnV0.007b' Mod
Download the Mod Here! (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fS79JSo2pBGnJhoXEzwm8HjWE-JT2qsw/view?usp=sharing) Mod By: S*LuEX Mod Screenshots: https://i.ibb.co/txRt23g/7-SS-1.png (https://ibb.co...
0 Replies 1,222 Views
Thread: Eason VS Leo Custom Stage
Post: Eason VS Leo Custom Stage
Watch the Animation Here! (https://youtu.be/AZrkQlZDKQ0) Animation Made by: Xemy
0 Replies 1,138 Views
Thread: Custom Stage: ACT 1 (No item vision)
Post: Custom Stage: ACT 1 (No item vision)
ACT 1 Vision Download the Stage Here! (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vu-6cBXZeWSdCasdxcuSO7pBp7cOL9H9/view?usp=sharing) Stage Screenshot: https://i.ibb.co/3cF448P/Act1-Stage-SS.png (https:...
0 Replies 1,084 Views
Thread: Amalgam's Advantrue in SSS
Post: Amalgam's Advantrue in SSS
Amalgam's Advantrue in SSS Download the Mod Here! (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TqBJgEReW8z-aRDKPCtu8NEzPQvrjGo0/view?usp=sharing) Mod Screenshots: https://i.ibb.co/WVmmw60/AAIS-Screens...
0 Replies 1,156 Views
Thread: Promised Mystery of Moisture
Post: RE: Promised Mystery of Moisture
Promised Mystery of Moisture 1.9.6 PatchNotes (These are not actually stated anywhere, I had to compare the versions in order to list them) New story mode Stage with the name Promised Mystery of M...
14 Replies 17,393 Views
Thread: HF Equilibrium
Post: RE: HF Equilibrium
HFE v0.8.9 (2022-03-24) Taylor: Blue Shield mp250→275, Red Shield mp160→150 Three Musketeers Ascending Dragon Jump Height 65→70 Lucas Ascending Dragon mp275→250 HFE v0.8.8 (Unknown) New Charact...
1 Replies 10,355 Views