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Hero Fighter Translation - Printable Version

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Hero Fighter Translation - MangaD - 06-10-2014

» Translation Files «

Actual_translations: The actual language folder from the game;
English_templates: If you want to start your translation use these files as basis;
New_translations: Translations to be added in the next version of the game.

Do you want to translate a chapter of Hero Fighter into your language? Then follow these steps:

  1. Check if there aren't any translations for your language already. How? Simple - in the beginning of the post there's a link to the "Translation Files" - is there a folder with your language already? No? Perfect, download the chapters from the "English Templates" folder and start to translate. Yes? Check if there are all chapters translated already, if yes - bad for you, if not - go ahead and translate the others. :)

  2. Any text editor can be used to edit the .xml files, but Notepad++ is recommended. It keeps the character encoding (UTF-8 w/o BOM), formatting and file extension intact. Nevertheless, I'll revise all the translation files to make sure they are in compliance.

  3. If you're translating the chapter make sure not to change the formatting or Marti won't be able to use it. If the text for one dialog uses two lines it'll use two lines in the game, too - like in this case:

    <d><i>360</i><c>---</c><t>--- Stage Finished ---
    (Thanks [your name here] for helping translate!)</t></d>

    The only text that you need to change is the one between the tags <t></t>. The text between the tags <c></c> correspond to the characters' names, and they won't make any difference in the actual game if you change them.

  4. Don't forget to add your name in the "Stage Finished"-Dialog. Of course you can work in little teams and put more names into it! ;)

  5. Send the translated file(s) to me via private messaging or post it here (preferable). Make sure the formatting is correct and you post which language and which chapter you translated!
    E.g. Post:
    Quote:Language: English (en)

    [Image: en.png]

    Chapter(s): 01.xml, 02.xml...

  6. After I get the file(s), I'll do a rough formatting check and then add it to this post (if it is not already) so others see that they don't have to translate it to a certain language anymore. If the formatting of the translation is messed up I won't submit it - simply because Marti would have to do a lot of work to restore the formatting again, so you should really care about this!

If there's a new chapter I will add it asap ofc.
Thanks a lot from Marti :)

Update: 06/10/2014 (Click to View)

RE: Hero Fighter Translation - MangaD - 13-10-2014

Language: Hindi (hi)

[Image: hi.png]

Chapter(s): 01.xml, 02.xml


Edit 16/10/2014: Chapter 1 added.

RE: Hero Fighter Translation - Sam Fisher - 31-10-2014

hi. is what i did (Hebrew Translate for Episode 2) was saved ?

RE: Hero Fighter Translation - MangaD - 31-10-2014

(31-10-2014, 08:45 PM)Sam Fisher Wrote: hi. is what i did (Hebrew Translate for Episode 2) was saved ?

Hello Sam,

The Hebrew translation of Stage 2 is in the New Translations folder, link to the file is right here. I presume this is the one that you are referring to? If yes, then it would be nice if you could review it to see if everything is alright, because I had to fix the formatting of many translations which hadn't been revised yet, and just in case I messed up something in the process...

RE: Hero Fighter Translation - Sam Fisher - 03-11-2014

yep, it is. but i did a space between each translate of a part.
is it matter ? if not, it's cool.
if yes, i will do it in 5 min.

i will do Episode 3 till Chrismas I hope (to be continued...)

RE: Hero Fighter Translation - Pete P. - 22-11-2014

This is a tough period for me but finally found time to ''redo'' all translations. I corrected some errors and mistakes and I perfected the dialogs. So I think I didn't mess up with the code or formatting and that this will be the last update for the greek translations 1-7.
Hope you can update them soon MangaD.

.xml   gr_translation_stage_01.xml (Size: 5.84 KB / Downloads: 740)

.xml   gr_translation_stage_02.xml (Size: 9.86 KB / Downloads: 705)

.xml   gr_translation_stage_03.xml (Size: 17.92 KB / Downloads: 716)

.xml   gr_translation_stage_04.xml (Size: 21.51 KB / Downloads: 731)

.xml   gr_translation_stage_05.xml (Size: 30.94 KB / Downloads: 734)

.xml   gr_translation_stage_06.xml (Size: 33.51 KB / Downloads: 728)

.xml   gr_translation_stage_07.xml (Size: 71.22 KB / Downloads: 730)

RE: Hero Fighter Translation - MangaD - 23-11-2014

Very good job OH.

There were a few problems in files 2 and 4, but nothing too serious. Also, translating the names of the characters isn't necessary because they won't appear translated in the game.

I have uploaded the new files here, please check them to see if everything is alright.


-> All greek files updated. <link>
-> Fixed 4th and 5th translations of portuguese (br). <link>
-> Fixed 2nd translation of Hebrew. <link>

RE: Hero Fighter Translation - Pete P. - 23-11-2014

(23-11-2014, 02:51 AM)MangaD Wrote: Very good job OH.

There were a few problems in files 2 and 4, but nothing too serious. Also, translating the names of the characters isn't necessary because they won't appear translated in the game.

I have uploaded the new files here, please check them to see if everything is alright.

Yup, forget what i said about last translation update.... i started checking all stages 1 by 1 and i found 1-2 imperfections (i just want it to be perfect and to sound greek, not english...) at stage 1. So be ready for more updates.
Also i just realised the situation with the names, yeah, no nead to make them English again, i want to feel that i did my duty. XD

.xml   gr_translation_stage_01.xml (Size: 5.85 KB / Downloads: 738)

p.s. sry for bothering you, but unfortunately I dont have hari's help (the other greek translator).

RE: Hero Fighter Translation - saytën - 09-12-2014

Language : French (fr)

[Image: fr.png]

Chapter(s) : 07.xml

RE: Hero Fighter Translation - MangaD - 10-12-2014

(09-12-2014, 10:26 PM)saytën Wrote: (can't access to the flag folder)

Thank you for reporting that, it's fixed now. Thumbs Up

There was already a translated version of the french stage 7, is your version better?