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by Pete P. at 18-11-2014, 07:14 PM
Just some hand-made (with pencil) comic sheets edited with photoscape. Hope you like the design and the dialogs. Enjoy and comment!

by Pete P. at 07-11-2014, 10:28 PM
This is a closed thread at which I’ll collect all bugs that you guys or I can find. Of course I don't collect them so as for Marti to solve them and fix them (at least not all of them), because some of them are of great fun and make HF unique.
But you and I personally wish that someday tmost of these bugs and imperfections that we will collect will be fixed by Marti, making HF even better and perfect!!! ---(so probably some of these will be deleted if fixed)
The reason why I made this thread and why I made it closed is to have this list free of spamming so as it would be easier for Marti to find everything without effort…

!!! Hero Fighter Bug and Imperfection List !!!

Black Screen Bug and Solution (Click to View)
Network Game Imperfection and Solution (fixed by MangaD) (Click to View)
Background level bug (Click to View)
douple riding bugs (Click to View)
Troops in battle mode picking screen bug (Click to View)
Troops without commander bug (Click to View)
Player’s HP, MP, SP bar bug (Click to View)
At try the game mode, there''s a player’s max level bug (Click to View)
Human players at different teams at battle mode (Click to View)
AI players bug (Click to View)
Bug at story mode stage 6 within the dialogs (Click to View)
At Network Game , after key setting the players froze (fixed by MangaD) (Click to View)
Legge’s bug (Click to View)
At castle jumping there’s a level layer bug (Click to View)
Animation resolution imperfection (Click to View)
Horses continue running after char falls down (Click to View)
AI player is confused and changes team (Click to View)
Bug when entering a room at network (fixed by MangaD) (Click to View)
trapped phoenix arrows (Click to View)
Bugs at room servers fixed (RoomServer Mods) (fixed by MangaD) (Click to View)
Character standing Bug!? (Click to View)
Continuous hits bug (Click to View)
Attack passing through enemy (Click to View)
Spam problem at network gameplay---(annoying) (Click to View)
Sprite problem at warrior of stage 7 (Click to View)
Lack of space at picking screen for troops (Imperfection) (Click to View)
Chars block Titto’s cannon ball from the back---bug (Click to View)
Drew’s whirlwind Swing cant hit bug (Click to View)
Drew’s multi hit that doesn’t hurt the enemy (Click to View)
Sinan gets life from bats after her death (Click to View)
No human player is possible at vs-battle-story mode (!bug!) (Click to View)
Attacks on castle have a level imperfection (Click to View)
Horse on rock or wood Imperfections (Click to View)
At picking screen after the random char it isn’t Lucas (Click to View)
Catching on ride stance is kinda weird (imperfection) (Click to View)
Wood level problem at battle mode bug (Click to View)
Red dot at battle mode (spriting Imperfection) (Click to View)
Commanding troops after death bug (Click to View)
Guard stance imperfection (Click to View)
When a fire soldier get frozen (imperfection (Click to View)
Stop roll midway and postpone blink (Click to View)
4 hits after grab the character won't fall (Click to View)
Character walks diagonally and burns others (Click to View)
P.S. This list will be continuously updated
by BlazingGale at 06-11-2014, 02:48 PM
I have a suggestion for the Calender Option.
Make the calender have "Month Themes". the month themes will be a main idea for the month. it can be a character {edits of that character, or some epic screen shot's of that character} or a move {edits of that move or some cool looking screen shot of that move} or it can be like a cool gif that for every day spot there will be a photo that continued the other photo. the way the calender themes will work is that insted of the casual boring square spots there will be photos placed in them {and to make the number more clear maybe put a big number in the middle}
Character - theme of the month: Drew. there can be placed some edited characters that are made from drew or some cool pics of him.
Moves: theme of the month: Air Blades. Some edited pics of the lover and well known air blade move. for example maybe a fire air blade, or a lightning air blade. or there can be some cool pics of air blade clashing with other moves like swordsman eason air blade calashes with the orange air blade.
gif - for example: drew run's. first he stands, in the next photo he starts to run, in the next photo the next frame of the runing and so on.
by Pete P. at 04-11-2014, 10:06 PM
Making a list of the hero fighter players will help us all to meet and play HF easier and will boost online gameplay!

Post of Reference:


-Display name: ---
-Gender: Male / Female / undisclosed
-Year of birth: --- / undisclosed
-Location: country / undisclosed
-Contact: pm(private message) / email / facebook / twitter / skype ID / undisclosed / etc
-Websites: Website (URL) / sites / blog / Forums / etc
-Favourite character(s): ---
-Skilled character(s): ---
-Premium member: Yes / No / undisclosed
-Modes you want play with others: Story / VS / Battle
-Off-Putting: unacceptable-offensive-unpleasant behaviors / trolls / hacks-cracks / account stealing / etc
-HF room servers: -Can you make ones?-
-Self-introduction: -general info-
-Others: ---
-HF clan: -HF Clans are organised at HF facebook group / HF clans facebook group-
-How you learned about HF: ---
-Your first version: ---
-HF interests: spriting / sketching-drawing / programming / etc
-Expectations towards HF: HF development / HF modes-story evolution / updates / online gameplay / etc


-Display name: Overlord Hunter
-Location: Greece
-Gender: Male
-Year of birth: 1997
-Contact: Contact me by pm or by email (which is available at this forum), facebook: Overlord Hunter
-Websites: No any websites or blogs of mine, you can find me at HFE, LFE, ztage forum and at DeviantART
-Favourite character(s): Lucas, Drew, Gordon, Leo, Eason swordless, Iczzy
-Skilled character(s): Lucas, Drew, Gordon (at least while I was an active player)
-Premium member: No (not yet)
-Modes you want play with others: VS mode and story mode at crazy
-Off-Putting: It really annoys me when the other players troll(add many soldiers), speak offensive/foreign(not english) language, laggy gameplay and players
-HF room servers: I can't make ones, I prefer to meet others at official or at their rooms
-Self-introduction: Just a guy with many ideas but with not so much time to make them happen and for now the Global Moderator of the HFE, bio
-Others: I like painting, basketball, table tennis, computer science and HF
-HF Clan: member of the ragnarök clan
-How you learned about HF: First played LF2 and then I saw an adverstisement about HF
-Your first version: v0.2.1 (or something)
-HF interests: Only some pity sketching and 1-2 efforts to sprite, I also like giving suggestions about HF (and finding bugs XD), I have also done the Greek translations for HF story
-Expectations towards HF: I want Marti to recover from his economical (or whatever) difficulties and start HF development again, more updates, better quality of each version, online player ranking mechanism, point mechanism so as to unlock premium chars through gameplay points, more story stages than 10

P.S. Copy, paste, fill in and post
by Pete P. at 01-11-2014, 03:22 PM
This is another story by me. Correct me if there are any grammatical mistakes. Enjoy and comment!

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