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[Bug] HP increase bug!! (aka. lvl 105 bug)
Eh, somehow I didn't notice this. I thought that training level increases only with completed stages, so you can train to catch up with stage level.

Anyways, this bug mostly affects Battle, as it's hard to control your teammates. However, it might be possible to increase damage further so it goes past negative damage, so it doesn't heal anymore. So I'll try to train my heroes more. Also I have few heroes that still have level cap, so I'll farm gems to unlock them to level up to some un-bugged level and try to fight with them. It's like some hardmode actually XD

If that doesn't work, I'll have to wait for the update, as there's no way I'd waste 50+ hours of progress  Ermm

So, one additional level didn't help. I doubt more levels will. I tried many different strategies and the one that got me closest to winning was using Sinan with double MP card. I made sure that I captured all structures on the way to Red castle and ordered whole army to stay at the castle. When Green rebelled, I returned to my castle to protect it alone. But eventually my whole army got defeated :( The Red castle was probably left with very little HP, but there was no way to return there, so I surrendered after next 10 minutes.
The only what is left now is uncapping remaining heroes and try fighting with underleveled team. But it will take a week or so to get all the gems, assuming I'll run the game each 20-30 minutes to watch the ad -_-

Messages In This Thread
HP increase bug!! (aka. lvl 105 bug) - by KoBeWi - 19-06-2016, 05:32 PM
RE: Major game-breaking bug!! (Android) - by KoBeWi - 20-06-2016, 07:06 PM

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