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Thread: 連猴子都不能看懂的HF非入門指南
Post: 連猴子都不能看懂的HF非入門指南
暫時先寫那麽多,以後想到的話繼續寫,總之這是一篇用科學的角度(?)來分析HF的一些動作機制的技術文 再冲跳: 這是一個我自創的概念,再冲跳是一個在空中才出現的狀態,再冲跳如其名能讓下一次的跳躍有再次冲跳的效果,能使用冲跳也就是說能讓下次的跳躍使用技能,且能夠向不同方向作冲跳移動 例如:升龍斬,空中飛龍斬,跳攻,冲跳攻,反身冲跳攻,冲跳跳攻,反身滾跳便是有再冲跳效果 前滾跳,...
0 Replies 3,218 Views
Thread: 【投票】谁是你的棋逢敌手?
Post: RE: 【投票】谁是你的棋逢敌手?
为啥有人跟louis战斗会觉得有趣激情啊 打输了KO 打赢了YA 打的过程中还有各种恶心的步伐 不心态爆炸就奇迹了 还有趣基情 :( [hr] 要命的是他还五票啊啊啊啊啊
3 Replies 6,523 Views
https://i.loli.net/2019/05/20/5ce2b1c99288625430.jpg https://i.loli.net/2019/05/20/5ce2b1cc200f626495.jpg https://i.loli.net/2019/05/20/5ce2b1cfaae7210089.jpg https://i.loli.net/2019/05/20/5ce2b1d1...
13 Replies 16,460 Views
https://i.loli.net/2019/05/18/5cdf51c5667e069702.jpg https://i.loli.net/2019/05/18/5cdf51d71017928774.jpg https://i.loli.net/2019/05/18/5cdf51eb7524012826.jpg https://i.loli.net/2019/05/18/5cdf51fe...
13 Replies 16,460 Views
https://i.loli.net/2019/05/18/5cdf370cb26a355427.jpg https://i.loli.net/2019/05/18/5cdf3706850e219035.jpg https://i.loli.net/2019/05/18/5cdf3707c0dc857179.jpg https://i.loli.net/2019/05/18/5cdf37...
13 Replies 16,460 Views
Thread: HF/HFX/HFL全人物伤害、消耗与破防一览
Post: HF/HFX/HFL全人物伤害、消耗与破防一览
HF/HFX/HFL全人物伤害、消耗与破防一览 (注:所有角色抓打伤害均为15,扔人均为30,莱格、雷殷除外,会另行说明 所有角色蜈蚣弹伤害均为45,蜈蚣弹均为2击破防 用重物造成的任何攻击伤害均为66,均为1击破防) (注:若该角色在HF与HFX伤害有所区别会另行说明) 1:龙介 Lucas  普攻X4:30+30+30+45 跳攻/冲跳攻/反身冲跳攻:45/50/45 飞龙斩:15+30 ...
0 Replies 3,937 Views
Thread: 【网页版】HF原版、HFL v2
Post: 【网页版】HF原版、HFL v2
版本选择页:http://fmpixel.f3322.net:8000/playhf/ (http://fmpixel.f3322.net:8000/playhf/) HFL v3:http://fmpixel.f3322.net:8000/playhf/hfl/playhflv3.html (http://fmpixel.f3322.net:8000/playhf/hfl/playhflv...
0 Replies 5,070 Views
Thread: 【搬运】HFX人物简单测评 By 不饿白帝(持续更新)
Post: 【搬运】HFX人物简单测评 By 不饿白帝(持续更新)
P.S:本帖内容均转自百度贴吧HeroFighter吧(已获原作者授权) 原作者:不饿白帝BEBD   搬运:SorrowAyano ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
2 Replies 5,377 Views
Thread: 【搬运】HFX等级、压等级、解锁相关 By 不饿白帝
Post: 【搬运】HFX等级、压等级、解锁相关 By 不饿白帝
P.S:本帖内容均转自百度贴吧HeroFighter吧(已获原作者授权) 原作者:不饿白帝BEBD   搬运:SorrowAyano ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
1 Replies 3,495 Views
Thread: Hero Fighter Custom MOD
Post: RE: 【Downloads】Hero Fighter Custom Versions
[spoiler=English] About mod HF Shining Shooting Star The story plot and the names of a few enemies refer a lot to Touhou Shining Shooting Star. Bgm in this mod are taken from Touhou Shining Shooti...
6 Replies 19,513 Views
Thread: HFE - New Address
Post: HFE - New Address
Hero Fighter Empire has changed host and moved to a new address which is shorter and easier to remember and type. It also has an SSL certificate now (it uses the HTTPS protocol) which makes it more se...
0 Replies 3,077 Views
Thread: Real-life pics of you
Post: RE: Real-life pics of you
Tis be me, chewbaka http://i68.tinypic.com/ejtsuv.jpg
7 Replies 9,837 Views
Thread: Real-life pics of you
Post: Real-life pics of you
Because all friendly communities have a thread like this.  lfcute You can post as many pictures as you want and update with recent pictures, but if they are too big or too many that could make the pa...
7 Replies 9,837 Views
Thread: Blazing Gale's Edits
Post: RE: Blazing Gale's Edits
So after a long time of not posting I have made a few new HF things. I made a new drama pose for the edited character "Drake", I made a drama scene picture with it and a cool character selection type ...
43 Replies 69,720 Views
Thread: MangaD's doodles
Post: RE: MangaD's doodles
A birthday present for @"Henry The Archer".  :grin: https://pre00.deviantart.net/dafb/th/pre/i/2018/267/a/d/happy_23rd_birthday__henry__by_mangad-dcno824.png (https://pre00.deviantart.net/dafb/th/p...
4 Replies 8,963 Views
Thread: 英雄combo合集
Post: RE: 英雄combo合集
https://youtu.be/H-B68nta23I Combo 1 靈蛇出擊+跳攻 G → J+ → JA Combo 2 靈蛇出擊+衝跳攻 G → J+ →→JA Combo 3 金剛圈+靈蛇出擊+衝跳攻 G ↑ J+G → J+ →→JA Combo 4 跑攻(抓)+靈蛇出擊+跳攻 →→A( C )+G → J+→JA Combo 5 跑攻(抓...
4 Replies 7,515 Views
Thread: Hero Fighter – Story Editor
Post: Hero Fighter – Story Editor
Introduction Hero Fighter Story Editor is a program that is used to make custom stages that can be downloaded and played by everyone. The game's stages are written in XML format (https://www.w3scho...
2 Replies 9,469 Views