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Thread: HFX Chaotic World
Post: HFX Chaotic World
HERO FIGHTER X CHAOTIC WORLD https://i.imgur.com/FfKWgBk.png https://i.imgur.com/82sopJI.png NOTE The game requires a premium account to be able to play. In order to gain access to the entirety of...
0 Replies 858 Views
Thread: Modifying Ai's Behaviour
Post: Modifying Ai's Behaviour
Modifying Ai's Behaviour The "behavior" of a computer player, Ai, can be modified in the `Spt` of that character e.g, when to perform a move. In performing a move by Ai, the distance is an importa...
0 Replies 264 Views
Thread: Understanding The ItemSpt
Post: Understanding The ItemSpt
The projectiles released by any character can be found  in ` 185 - Data.Global_itemSpt ` So, to modify the characteristics of any projectile released by characters, you will have to modify the `Action...
4 Replies 1,094 Views
Thread: HF Volleyball Championship/HF 球王争霸 1.2.0
Post: HF Volleyball Championship/HF 球王争霸 1.2.0
When entering the game, select the "Volleyball Field" map to play volleyball matches! In order to reduce the difficulty of the game, the game rules and volleyball competition rules are slightly differ...
0 Replies 517 Views
Thread: HF - skin version
Post: HF - skin version
download link: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/ts29xljuooo4h/SKIN-VERSION [spoiler="skin version 1"] https://s11.ax1x.com/2024/01/22/pFVzIJO.md.png (https://imgse.com/i/pFVzIJO) https://s11.ax1x.c...
0 Replies 512 Views
Thread: HF Translation Mod/Project
Post: HF Translation Mod/Project
Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've posted anything here. This is a project I may work on in the future. Now you may ask, what is this project about? This project is a translation of the origin...
0 Replies 1,014 Views
Thread: BD Skin 汇总记录贴(Backup post)
Post: RE: BD Skin 汇总记录贴(Backup post)
废弃的皮肤: 曾试图制作,最终放弃或暂时中止制作的皮肤废案,均未被正式发布 [spoiler="Abandonment scheme"] https://s1.ax1x.com/2023/01/23/pSJIXOU.png (https://imgse.com/i/pSJIXOU) 1.2019.10月对赤木迫害的一次拯救计划,以失败告终。不过现在翻回来看感觉也还不错,也许日后某一天还会重现...
29 Replies 20,504 Views
Thread: HF-加冕战争/灾厄之日(Coronation Wars/BADAY)武器设定集
Post: HF-加冕战争/灾厄之日(Coronation Wars/BADAY)武器设定集
1楼占用 original:link (https://hf-empire.top/showthread.php?tid=151) 本贴为加冕战争/灾厄之日世界观下的武器设定集 不定期更新与修改 https://s1.ax1x.com/2022/11/17/zebZ2F.png (https://imgse.com/i/zebZ2F)
7 Replies 3,939 Views
Thread: BD Skin 汇总记录贴(Backup post)
Post: RE: BD Skin 汇总记录贴(Backup post)
special: 特殊作业不计数 [spoiler="special"] https://s1.ax1x.com/2022/08/14/vNx82T.png (https://imgtu.com/i/vNx82T) 1.泥头房车 完成日期:2022.8.12 [/spoiler]
29 Replies 20,504 Views
Thread: BD Skin 汇总记录贴(Backup post)
Post: RE: BD Skin 汇总记录贴(Backup post)
animal: [spoiler=animal] https://z3.ax1x.com/2021/05/27/2PVURU.png (https://imgtu.com/i/2PVURU) 1-3.cw马匹 完成日期:2019.11 https://z3.ax1x.com/2021/05/27/2PVhsH.png (https://imgtu.com/i/2PVhsH) https://...
29 Replies 20,504 Views
Thread: BD Skin 汇总记录贴(Backup post)
Post: RE: BD Skin 汇总记录贴(Backup post)
saws: 原版saws与移植版saws的皮肤,与G无关 [spoiler="Saws 索思"] https://s3.ax1x.com/2021/03/03/6AdNod.png (https://imgtu.com/i/6AdNod) 1.回忆索思 完成日期:2021.3.2 https://s3.ax1x.com/2021/03/06/6uDXp8.png (https://imgtu...
29 Replies 20,504 Views
Thread: BD Skin 汇总记录贴(Backup post)
Post: RE: BD Skin 汇总记录贴(Backup post)
azrael: 部分皮肤基础姿势被调整为了eason和lm身材 [spoiler="Azrael 亚萨雷尔"] https://s1.ax1x.com/2020/07/31/alR2p4.th.png (https://imgchr.com/i/alR2p4) 1.cw魔王最终形态/亚萨雷尔X 完成日期:2019.12.4 https://i.postimg.cc/4NpHV1mW/QQ...
29 Replies 20,504 Views
Thread: BD Skin 汇总记录贴(Backup post)
Post: RE: BD Skin 汇总记录贴(Backup post)
yaga: [spoiler="Yaga 八神"] https://i.postimg.cc/bwK0pvD5/a.png (https://postimages.org/)https://i.postimg.cc/MGV7T81p/as.png (https://postimages.org/)https://i.postimg.cc/zBkTCStm/a**.png (https://p...
29 Replies 20,504 Views
Thread: BD Skin 汇总记录贴(Backup post)
Post: RE: BD Skin 汇总记录贴(Backup post)
Lucas2: 在超龙身上制作皮肤比起LEO唯二的优点就是有披风和剑的贴图长度稍长一点 ps:由于leo和lucas的披风安装成功,lucas2的皮肤不会再更新 [spoiler="Super Lucas 超级龙介"] https://s1.ax1x.com/2020/08/16/dVQWGj.th.png (https://imgchr.com/i/dVQWGj) 1.金甲超龙/超龙EX ...
29 Replies 20,504 Views
Thread: BD Skin 汇总记录贴(Backup post)
Post: BD Skin 汇总记录贴(Backup post)
original post: https://hf-empire.xyz/showthread.php?tid=107 一楼备用 https://s1.ax1x.com/2020/09/16/wgpG0f.md.png (https://imgchr.com/i/wgpG0f) 注:兵种相关皮肤直接参照此图,本贴不再单独列举 [hr] 二楼备用 注:本贴中大多数皮肤都可以直接在群里下到 ...
29 Replies 20,504 Views
Thread: HFE v1 技能表一览 - (备用)
Post: HFE v1 技能表一览 - (备用)
HFE v1 技能表一览 - (备用) A为攻击,J为跳跃,G为防御,i为新增的功能键 A为攻击,J为跳跃,G为防御,i为新增的功能键(需自行在键盘设置中设置) link:https://www.mediafire.com/folder/jlaym5p9n5oa9/HFE+(Equilibrium) (https://www.mediafire.com/folder/jlaym5p9n5oa9/...
0 Replies 2,133 Views
Thread: Unlocking all Characters in HFX (ROOT Only)
Post: Unlocking all Characters in HFX (ROOT Only)
So recently I was in a dilemma where I had to install the game for the umpteenth time because the android version I was using broke the previous apk. And as you know it, after doing that you have to s...
4 Replies 4,511 Views
Thread: Hero Fighter X - Android 14, Full Version, Referral Codes and Modding
Post: RE: Hero Fighter X - Android 11, Full Version, Ref...
Emaan Wrote: (18-04-2022, 07:45 AM) -- Can you create one with all unlocked characters or let me know what I need to modify to unlock all the characters on the first level?I just want some short term...
19 Replies 100,340 Views
Thread: My O.C.
Post: RE: My O.C.
https://i.ibb.co/44nvf5K/bb62adfd-cb7b-405c-a980-7fb4a7f61f1a.png (https://i.ibb.co/NWdD3Ht/bb62adfd-cb7b-405c-a980-7fb4a7f61f1a.png) Source: https://ibb.co/44nvf5K
2 Replies 3,459 Views
Thread: My O.C.
Post: My O.C.
https://i.ibb.co/q5CXdXt/Whats-App-Image-2021-08-18-at-15-38-39.jpg (https://i.ibb.co/4d29796/Whats-App-Image-2021-08-18-at-15-38-39.jpg)
2 Replies 3,459 Views
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