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Thread: How can I allow heater to turn when he use run attack?
Post: RE: How can I allow heater to turn when he use run...
MangaD Wrote: (04-07-2020, 12:44 PM) -- asdfqwe Wrote: (04-07-2020, 12:44 AM) -- But I do not know name of the heater's running attack in the spt -- These things are a little by trial and error, a...
5 Replies 5,032 Views
Thread: How can I allow heater to turn when he use run attack?
Post: RE: How can I allow heater to turn when he use run...
MangaD Wrote: (03-07-2020, 09:00 PM) -- I recommend you read the tutorial (https://hf-empire.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=353) on allowing Raye's lightning attack to change direction. The principle s...
5 Replies 5,032 Views
Thread: How can I allow heater to turn when he use run attack?
Post: How can I allow heater to turn when he use run att...
How can I allow heater to turn when he use run attack? https://i.ibb.co/VtjJj3y/Capture.png (https://ibb.co/DtVzVLX)
5 Replies 5,032 Views
Thread: Tutorial: Change HP, MP and SP of character.
Post: RE: Change SP of character?
漫画 Wrote: (19-06-2020, 08:17 PM) -- 您好@asdfqwe,欢迎来到HF帝国! 我可以自由地编辑您的帖子,使其与用于论坛的格式兼容。在标题中问一个问题并坚持要在正文中回答是不合适的方法。在这种情况下,我很快就会回答,但我并不总是在这里给您迅速的答复。 解决您的问题。我不知道您对HF Workshop有多熟悉,但是这里有所有步骤: 打开HF工作坊。 通过在...
3 Replies 3,685 Views
Thread: Tutorial: Change HP, MP and SP of character.
Post: Tutorial: Change HP, MP and SP of character.
How to change HP, MP and SP of a character with HF workshop?
3 Replies 3,685 Views