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Thread: [Chinese] Live interview to Marti Wong
Post: RE: [Chinese] Live interview to Marti Wong
When did it take place? [hr] Plus is there any dubbed or subtitle version?
6 Replies 12,768 Views
6 Replies 12,768 Views
Thread: [spoilers] HF 0.8
Post: RE: [spoilers] HF next version
Eh just cant wait for the next version to come out! Any supporters?
22 Replies 44,769 Views
Thread: Referral code
Post: Referral code
Hello all! In this thread, we can share our referral codes with each other, and use it to get heroes faster, and eventually the heroes that cannot be obtained otherwise. How it works: 1. Enter the co...
156 Replies 223,788 Views
Thread: Usermap, Change username, Awarded, Hall of fame and MotM, etc.
Post: Usermap, Change username, Awarded, Hall of fame an...
So yeah as the title says, why do we lack these features? A.f.a.i.k. these features are in the lfe forums and i think the my BB engine used has the same version in both of them. Maybe, why not add the...
3 Replies 8,447 Views