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by MangaD at 06-10-2014, 12:43 AM
» Translation Files «

Actual_translations: The actual language folder from the game;
English_templates: If you want to start your translation use these files as basis;
New_translations: Translations to be added in the next version of the game.

Do you want to translate a chapter of Hero Fighter into your language? Then follow these steps:

  1. Check if there aren't any translations for your language already. How? Simple - in the beginning of the post there's a link to the "Translation Files" - is there a folder with your language already? No? Perfect, download the chapters from the "English Templates" folder and start to translate. Yes? Check if there are all chapters translated already, if yes - bad for you, if not - go ahead and translate the others. :)

  2. Any text editor can be used to edit the .xml files, but Notepad++ is recommended. It keeps the character encoding (UTF-8 w/o BOM), formatting and file extension intact. Nevertheless, I'll revise all the translation files to make sure they are in compliance.

  3. If you're translating the chapter make sure not to change the formatting or Marti won't be able to use it. If the text for one dialog uses two lines it'll use two lines in the game, too - like in this case:

    <d><i>360</i><c>---</c><t>--- Stage Finished ---
    (Thanks [your name here] for helping translate!)</t></d>

    The only text that you need to change is the one between the tags <t></t>. The text between the tags <c></c> correspond to the characters' names, and they won't make any difference in the actual game if you change them.

  4. Don't forget to add your name in the "Stage Finished"-Dialog. Of course you can work in little teams and put more names into it! ;)

  5. Send the translated file(s) to me via private messaging or post it here (preferable). Make sure the formatting is correct and you post which language and which chapter you translated!
    E.g. Post:
    Quote:Language: English (en)

    [Image: en.png]

    Chapter(s): 01.xml, 02.xml...

  6. After I get the file(s), I'll do a rough formatting check and then add it to this post (if it is not already) so others see that they don't have to translate it to a certain language anymore. If the formatting of the translation is messed up I won't submit it - simply because Marti would have to do a lot of work to restore the formatting again, so you should really care about this!

If there's a new chapter I will add it asap ofc.
Thanks a lot from Marti :)

[spoiler="Update: 06/10/2014"]
This post is a remake of the old post there was at HFE v1.0. Because Razen doesn't have much time to check things here, I'll be the one revising the new translations. Here is the update log of the Translations folder after I revised it today:
- Renamed folder "br_Brazilian_Portugese" to "br_Portugese (BR)". The second form is more tidy.
- Renamed folder "es_Spainish" to "es_Spanish". The first one is a typo, and should be fixed in the game.
- Deleted files 02.xml, 03.xml, 04.xml, 05.xml, 06.xml from the folder "Actual_Translations/il_Hebrew". They were plain English and are not really in the game.
- Updated the files in the folder "New_Translations/br_Portugese (BR)" to the most recent ones.
- Fixed the formatting of the file "New_Translations/fi_Finnish/07.xml".
- Fixed the formatting of the files "New_Translations/fr_French/01.xml", "New_Translations/fr_French/02.xml" and "New_Translations/fr_French/07.xml".
- Fixed the formatting of all the Greek files. Awaiting their author to improve the translation.
- Fixed the formatting of the file "New_Translations/il_Hebrew/02.xml"
- Deleted the Hindi translations due to bad formatting and suspicion on their integrity.
- Deleted the file "New_Translations/id_Indonesia/06.xml". Had wrong formatting and already existed in the "Actual_Translations" folder.
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