Additional Info About Bhargavmodak
GMT +5:30
Mumbai, India
I am a 13 year old student who goes to school and is brilliant. I draw future characters of hero fighter and their moves.
Swordsman Eason
Bhargavmodak's Signature
Evil can never be eradicated from the world..... But it can be kept at bay by fighting. So, always keep fighting..... never cease it .
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03-04-2019, 05:32 PM
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Forum Statistics for Bhargavmodak
Bhargavmodak's Most Thanked Post | ||
Post Subject | Post Date/Time | Numbers of Thanks |
Write a weird story | 17-01-2016, 07:55 AM | 1 |
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[Story] Write a weird story |
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All right. Here is a new game. I will type a short starting of the story of Hero fighters. You have to continue it in a way: you can type a paragraph until you run out of imagination. Rules 1. It should tally with the in game story and history. 2. When it reaches the point when Eason comes back to the temple with the Sword of Azrael and Master Yaga has saved Leo, then you can make it in any way. 3. NO offensive, abusive or adult content. 4. Don't try to interfere much in the original story of the Hero Fighters. That's all folks. Now, type away! Here's the start [tab=3]About 14.5 billion years ago, the universe was born in the Big Bang. from it, time, matter and energy were released. Time was singular, but matter was divided into positive matter and negative matter. Energy was divided into dark and light energy. But these were maintained neutral by the higher powers. So it did not affect humans normally. But only some were able to awaken the darkness or light in them. Everytime there was a unbalance in energy, the higher powers would stable it. But not until the very very worst happened........ |
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MangaD | 3 | 60% |
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