Hero Fighter Empire - Forums

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1. Where can I download the latest version of Hero Fighter?

The PC/web version of Hero Fighter can be downloaded here.

The mobile version can be downloaded in Google Play Store or App Store.

2. When will a new version release?

There is no prediction to when and if there will be an update or new version of Hero Fighter. However, the more players and financial support this game gets, the more chances there are for a new version of the game to be developed. You may support the game by sharing it and / or buying gems (in HFX).

3. Registration is not working in HF v0.7

The game tells you that registration failed, but it has actually succeeded (so long a user with the same e-mail or nickname does not exist already). Just login with the credentials you have provided during registration and ignore the error message.

4. At registration I enter the correct verification code but it tells me it is incorrect

Close the game and open again. If it still doesn't work, try restarting your PC or even wait a few hours before trying again. You can also try running these commands on cmd:
ipconfig /flushdns
nbtstat -RR
netsh int ip reset
netsh winsock reset

4. HF v0.7 is not opening at all, or it displays a black screen

This happens with the official executable of the game. Download the one we provide here at HFE and it will work.

5. How can I make a custom story?

You may use HF Story Editor (HFSE) to replace the original stories with custom ones. More information on this forum.