Network Mode
Menu-bar and chatbox:
While ingame you have a little chatbox and a menu-bar with various options/actions to toggle. Click on the chatbox or press Backspace to open it. The menu-bar has different options/actions to activate:
- Account information: Hover over the star to see your current account information. You'll see informations such like what number your account has and if you have a premium account or a normal account. If you have a normal account you can click on the star to visit a website on which you can purchase premium for your account.
- Roommates: Hover over this icon to view the list of all players in the room. The list contains information like the latency of the players and the locations of them.
- Quality toggle: With this icon you can toggle the quality of Hero Fighter from "high" to "low" and back. If the icon shows a "L" the current quality is "high", "H" if the current quality is "low".
- Auto-zoom: You can click on the auto-zoom icon to toggle zoom mode. If you are in close-ups agaisnt enemies Hero Fighter will zoom on your character for more details automatically.
- Forum visit: You can open the game forum easily by clicking on the icon with the little pencil.
- Guide: It's possible to access the Hero Fighter Player's Guide by clicking the icon with the book and the questionmark. The guide can teach you the basic move of Hero Fighter and also ever special attack-combo of every character.
- Key settings: To access the key settings menu you need to click on the keyboard icon. In this menu you can set the keys for every local player.
- Music & Sound FX: You can increase and decrease the volume of the music and the sound-effects by hovering over the music and the speaker icon and moving each slider up or down. If you simply click on one of the icons you can circle each volume in 4 steps.
- Quit game: If you want to quit the game you can press the little "X" icon. A countdown of eleven seconds will start. After the countdown ends you will access the character-screen. While the countdown is running you AND all other players are able to cancel it by clicking the text "Cancel" on the countdown-banner.